When people find out you have MS, the shitty ones in your life will change how they treat you.

They will treat you as if you're useless.

As if you can't do anything right.

They will gaslight you.

They will outright lie to your face.

And they will make you think it's you that's the problem.

Yet, I've completed two half marathons with MS, one of them when in was undiagnosed, and in the middle of a flare up.

Sure, my running form isn't as good as it was pre-MS, but i'm still running.

Things may take a little longer than before, but it all gets done.

But it's hard to convince others the same.

I had two people accuse me of recording a meeting because my notes were so detailed, they couldn't believe someone with MS could manage that.

Are you fucking kidding me???

Don't let shitty people ruin you.

Fight on MS Warriors, fight on.

Oh, and BTW, I'll be running in another half marathon on April 21, so take that non-believers. I dare you to try and keep up.

People will write you off when you have MS

MS will help you identify the shitty people in your life quicker than you can recite the alphabet backwards.